Notes that contain recently published poems by poets I admire, older poems by myself and links to new poetry books that you should read.
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Poems and Notes about Poetry
- Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)
- Poem: Letter to the Person Who Carved His Initials into the Oldest Living Longleaf Pine in North America
- Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)
- Poem: May, by Mary Oliver
- Poem: Spring, by Mary Oliver
- Poem & Eulogy: Charles Simic
- Poem: Good Bones by Maggie Smith
- Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)
- Poem: Blackberry-Picking, by Seamus Heaney
- Poem: The Well Rising, William Stafford
- MLK Day: A Langston Hughes Poem
- Poem: In Memoriam, bell hooks
- Poem: Thanks - W.S. Merwin
- Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)
- Poem: Do You Consider Writing to be Therapeutic?
- Poem: August, Mary Oliver
- Poem: George Floyd -- by Terrance Hayes
- Poem: The Hill We Climb, Amanda Gorman
- MLK Day: A Langston Hughes Poem
- Poem: Journey of the Magi (Read by T.S. Eliot)
- Poem: Invictus
- Poem: Good Bones by Maggie Smith
- Poem: New Year
- Poem: Darkness
- Song: Build A House -- Juneteenth Song from Rhiannon Giddens featuring Yo-Yo Ma
- Poem: George Floyd -- by Terrance Hayes
- Poem: Bouquet by Lucille Clifton
- Poem: what they did yesterday afternoon, by Warsan Shire
- Poem: A Litany in Time of Plague
- Poem: Full Moon, March 2020
- Poem: Journey of the Magi (Read by T.S. Eliot)
- Poem: America, I Sing Back
- Poem: New Year
- In Memoriam: Poet Jane Mead
- In Memoriam: Toni Morrison
- Poem: The Present, W.S. Merwin
- MLK Day: A Langston Hughes Poem
- In Memory of Mary Oliver
- Poem: American Journal
- Poem: The Trees, Philip Larkin
- Poem: If You Forget Me, Pablo Neruda
- Poem: Bumblebees Are Made of Ash
- Poem: Ligament
- Poem: Station
- Poem: The Trees
- Poem: Don't Go Into the Library
- Poem: The Continuous Life, Mark Strand
- Poem: My Story in a Late Style of Fire
- Poem: Hibernation, Warming
- Poem: Let America Be America Again
- Poem: A Woman Speaks
- Poem: won’t you celebrate with me
- Poem: For My People
- Poem: Middle Passage
- Poem: Lyric for a day like today
- Poem: Phenomenal Woman
- Poem: Love after Love
- Poem: Mercy
- Poem: New Year
- Poem: Praying with one eye open
- Poem: Elegy
- Poem: Advice
- Poem: Transfiguration
- Requiem for Mark Strand
- Poem: Paradise Lost - a contemporary adaptation
- Glossolalia: Collected Poems