
A new book-in-progress by author Ned Hayes.
Coming soon! 

“J’aurai du te découvrir il y a vingt ans. Perdue dans des rêves impossibles je brulais d’impatience te cherchant partout. Ou étais-tu en ces temps la?”
— Amba Bongo
(I should have found you twenty years ago. Lost in impossible dreams I burned with impatience, looking for you everywhere. Where were you in those times?)

So we beat on, boats against the current,
borne back ceaselessly into the past.

— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Yes, sign me up for early access to FLIGHT, by Ned Hayes

Hints, References, Moments

Young stowaway survives flight from Johannesburg to Heathrow

Survival at High Altitudes: Wheel-Well Passengers

How did a young stowaway survive 15 hours in the wheel well of an aircraft

The Global Refugee Crisis Worldwide

100 million refugees now Displaced Worldwide

Why Do Refugees Flee Their Countries?

A World in Flight: The Global Refugee Crisis