Oct 10, 2016 | Current Ned Note, News and Media, On Writing, Past Notes
(reposted from Amazon’s Transformations blog) He wrote a novel so far outside his comfort zone that he wondered if anyone would enjoy it. Kindle Scout readers answered with a resounding “yes.” New characters often visit novelist Ned Hayes...
Aug 11, 2016 | On Writing, Past Notes
Earlier this year, I recorded a quick little video for Amazon Publishing to post on their public websites to promote my newly bestselling book THE EAGLE TREE. This is a post about what words I chose to use, and why. 15 seconds of talking might not matter much....
May 25, 2016 | Past Notes, Theater
OLYMPIA, WA, JUNE 4, 2016 Browsers Bookstore in Olympia is excited to host an “Interactive Evening” with Author Ned Hayes, featuring notable local actors performing scenes from his bestselling novel The Eagle Tree. The Eagle Tree by Ned Hayes (Little A) was a # 1...
Apr 28, 2016 | On Books, On Writing, Past Notes, Reviews
“The Eagle Tree is a gorgeously written novel that features one of the most accurate, finely drawn and memorable autistic protagonists in literature. The hero of the book is like a 14-year-old Walt Whitman with autism, seeking communion with the ancient...
Apr 16, 2016 | On Writing, Past Notes
I was very happy to see this interview with a local Olympia arts journal appear recently in print. I’ve received permission to re-print the author interview here on my site. How did the idea of THE EAGLE TREE come to you? Years ago, I taught a variety of...