Flight: New Novel (Preview)

Flight: New Novel (Preview)

A new book by author Ned Hayes. ( Coming soon! ) Preview of First Chapter  I should have found you twenty years ago. Lost in impossible dreams I burned with impatience, looking for you everywhere. Where were you in those times? “J’aurai du te découvrir il...
The October Country

The October Country

“October Country . . . that country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and mid-nights stay. That country composed in the main of cellars,...
Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)

Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)

Rosh Hashanah – Oct 2-4, 2024 new year. Ned Hayes   Rosh Hashanah comes this year on a day of cool wind, a breathtaking portent of winter taking the world, rude lover tossing the sheets away. in autumn the sadness of all things is greatest for now the world...
Italy – A Summer Reverie

Italy – A Summer Reverie

A summer reverie in Italy with my family this August. An amazing trip… and I wrote many long and elaborate journal entries (which no doubt will lead to a novel set in Italy one of these days…). For now, enjoy a few photos from our adventures!