Apr 10, 2014 | On Writing, Past Notes
reposted from Seattle University’s “Common” Newsletter Novel influenced by School of Theology and Ministry Story by: Hannah Crivello, School of Theology and Ministry Published: 2014-03-25 The newly released novel Sinful Folk recounts...
Feb 22, 2014 | On Writing, Past Notes
I read on Brainpickings recently that Mark Rothko, the marvelous abstract expressionist painter, said that when people “weep” when seeing his paintings they are having the same transcendent experience he had when he painted.* Transcendence is an interesting word. It...
Jul 2, 2009 | News and Media, On Technology, Past Notes, Post-Human Future
The assumption that ‘raw’ matter such as silicon, metals, and ceramics can be organized in such a manner that they can give rise to a mental state that we can recognize as consciousness, is a fundamental underpinning of the effort to create artificial intelligence. As...
Sep 20, 2008 | On Technology, Past Notes, Post-Human Future
Cyborg Eschatology: A Process Perspective on Post-Organic Embodiment – PART 1: Cyborg Eschatology: Whitehead and Post-Humanity – PART 2: Cyborg Eschatology: Whitehead and Post-Humanity – PART 3: Cyborg Eschatology: Whitehead and Post-Humanity...
Sep 9, 2008 | Past Notes, Post-Human Future
– PART 1: Cyborg Eschatology: Whitehead and Post-Humanity – PART 2: Cyborg Eschatology: Whitehead and Post-Humanity – PART 3: Cyborg Eschatology: Whitehead and Post-Humanity – PART 4: Cyborg Eschatology: Whitehead and Post-Humanity –...