Book Review: Tomorrow, Tomorrow & Tomorrow

Book Review: Tomorrow, Tomorrow & Tomorrow

First great read of the New Year! This wonderful, amazing, powerful insightful novel tells a story of our generation. I've longed for a novel that is this all-encompassing, this full of heart, and this honest about the current media environment in which we live. I've...

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2024: New Year

2024: New Year

Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you....

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The Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens

The Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens

The holiday season sees a million variations on Charles Dickens’s classic A Christmas Carol, yet this marvelous supernatural tale all too often overshadows the ghostly echoes that permeate Dickens’s entire oeuvre.  In John Irving’s book of personal essays, Saving...

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Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)

Poem: New Year (Rosh Hashanah)

Rosh Hashanah - Sept 15-17, 2023 new year. Ned Hayes   Rosh Hashanah comes this year on a day of cool wind, a breathtaking portent of winter taking the world, rude lover tossing the sheets away. in autumn the sadness of all things is greatest for now the world...

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In Memoriam: Cormac McCarthy

In Memoriam: Cormac McCarthy

On June 13, at the age of 89, Cormac McCarthy passed away at his home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I was profoundly unsettled and provoked by McCarthy's work, and I found his work to be powerful and insightful. His writing always delved into the darker aspects of human...

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Poem: May, by Mary Oliver

Poem: May, by Mary Oliver

May May, and among the miles of leafing, blossoms storm out of the darkness— windflowers and moccasin flowers. The bees dive into them and I too, to gather their spiritual honey. Mute and meek, yet theirs is the deepest certainty that this existence too— this sense of...

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Poem: Spring, by Mary Oliver

Poem: Spring, by Mary Oliver

A poem by Mary Oliver Spring And here is the serpent again, dragging himself out from his nest of darkness, his cave under the dark rocks, his winter-death. He slides over the pine needles. He loops around the branches of rising grass, looking for the sun. Well who...

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On Romance

On Romance

Romance gets criticized for being repetitive - as if repetition is not the way we nourish our bodies and souls. Meals are repetitive: You have to keep making them and eating them and then making and eating them again. Song lyrics repeat every time a chorus comes back...

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