Read my books at BookBar

I’m excited that Denver’s wonderful BookBar is re-opening on October 11, 2020, after a summer of sad pandemic closure. (The store, of course, is re-configuring itself for pandemic-safe browsing.)

BookBar is a fantastic all-six-senses bookish experience. For work last year, I had to travel often to the Denver area, and whenever I was in the vicinity, I made a point of spending a lovely evening at this marvelous bookstore.

BookBar is a unique place in the book world. It’s a very nicely curated independent bookstore that features both Colorado authors and American literature alongside a bevy of hand-selected books from around the world. Yet their lovely shelves are coupled with a full-service kitchen that includes a fabulous wine selection and a beautifully plated hors-d’oeuvres and salad menu that lends itself to a lovely evening of books, drinks and communal gathering.

The BookBar has cultivated their community during our recent season of discontent by actively engaging with the BLM movement, and by confronting white supremacy directly. I am so proud to be part of this literary community, even from a distance.

BookBar is located in the Tennyson Street arts district of Denver, Colorado, and it is one of the anchor locations that makes the Tennyson Street such a draw for artists and arts lovers. When we don’t have to socially distance, BookBar hosts frequent author events on-site, and is a fantastic outdoor patio and even a story time for pre-schoolers three times a week. I’ve attended numerous poetry and essay readings myself at the BookBar over the past few years, and each time, I wish I had a version of the BookBar in my own Portland neighborhood!

As their website indicates, the idea of combining a book store and wine bar came to BookBar owner, Nicole Sullivan, like a bolt of lightning one day while reading a book and drinking a glass of wine. Who among us does not like wine and books and books with wine? About a dozen years later, after meandering through a few different careers, culinary school, marriage and motherhood, BookBar began to take shape.

Sullivan became interested in not only the concept of combining books and wine but also creating a community gathering space where it is not just accepted but encouraged, to lounge and read or meet and discuss; to take time to slow down and share food, drink, the written word (in whatever form) – to savor the good things in life.

My experience of the BookBar has been exactly this — a fantastic place to enjoy the good things in life, especially the written word. Just to wrap up this little paean of praise, it’s worth noting that BookBar‘s main counter is made of actual books (see photo to the right) , and their main hallway is graced by a library’s discarded card catalog — a fond memory for any book lover! (Also see the card catalog hallway to the right) This is truly a literary gem, and I’m so glad BookBar is back in the world.

Pinterest – Ned Hayes Bookstore Board

Pinterest – Ned Hayes Bookstore Board